Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Reason #13 I'm so great

The hilarious and gorgeous Rachel Rosenthal commented on why she is so great in the last post, taking us to...

Reason #13 I'm So Great.
I ate five pieces of Halloween candy last night and immediately went to the gym. At the gym, though, I didn't really push myself too much. Hey, I was there, I shouldn't hurt myself, was my logic. I plodded along on the elliptical, did a few on the stationary bike, steered clear of the treadmill, cut in line on some of the weight machines, stared at all the beefy Italian / Mexican / Angry East Boston dudes lifting weights, all while listening to Marc Maron's podcast. Did I work off the Halloween candy calories? Probably. Did I sculpt any part of my body? Neeeee-ope! Still I'm great.