Monday, October 26, 2009

Reason #11 I'm So Great

Already on #11? Yes! Because I got reasons from Skip, Lindsay, Debbie, and Pam in the previous post. And boy they were great reasons.

We are on our way to 1,000 Reasons, people.

Let's keep on pluggin'.

Reason #11 I'm so great:

For some reason, I have the song "I'm Getting Married In The Morning" in my head. It was the song that my sister Chrissie danced to in a recital in which we both starred in Salem, MA in 1986. I don't remember the song I danced to, but I remember Chrissie's, mainly because she was so lively and she got to wear a pink tutu, while mine was red and black. Also, I'm already married, so if I were to get married in the morning: Hello Polygamy!

Now you tell me why you're so great today.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hey You, Tell Me Why You're So Great

Hi Reader,

I would like to find out why you're so great. So tell me in the comments section of this blog. It can be one line or tons and tons of line. Up to you!

See the previous posts for inspiration. I'm so great for a variety of reasons, which change daily.

Don't be afraid to be an egotistical, big fat bragging bag of hot air.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Reason #5

Reason #5 I'm so great:

I taught 90 minutes of yoga and had people sweating so much that they actually looked up at me from their mats like I look at other yoga teachers when I'm exhausted in their class: with pure hatred.

I'm great.

How about you? What makes you great today?

Reason #4

Reason # 4 I'm So Great:

As an extra in a music video for the band Ad Frank and the F.E.W, I had a microphone angrily thrown at my face for a total of 17 consecutive takes.

Pretty great of me to let that lead singer dude do that.

I'm so great.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Reason #3

For reason #2, see the lovely and funny Sheila's comment on the previous entry.

I encourage reader(s)(if there are multiple ones, wow, thanks guys) to submit their OWN reasons that THEY are so great. So what's your reason?

And now, for today's reason.

I played an actor is a sexual harassment workplace video for an upscale downtown Boston law firm in which I ridiculed a pregnant woman for her life choices, refused another woman a promotion because she is too "macho", and fired a man for having mutiple sclerosis. I don't think the last one is technically sexual harassment, but maybe, maybe.

NOW, reader, what's your reason you are so great today?

* apologies for the shouting in this post. I'm feeling aggressive because I harassed so many people today.